Friday, March 27, 2009

Moving Pictures

mm hi
I haven't posted for a while
and I'm not sure what to write
Here's a list of my favourite movies (in no particular order)

The Fall--Magical, very touching and has its funny moments. There is nothing in the film I would change or wish to see differently.

Coraline--Loved the book, loved the movie. I'm so glad it kept it's creepy, morbid vibe...if they had wussed out and removed the scarier scenes, I would have been one pissed off cookie.

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels-- Sexy accents. Complex, twisting, and hilarious plot. Awesome swears and one-liners (Chill, Winstoonn. You could choke a dozen donkeys with that) and sexy, sexy, Jason Statham. And a wonderful soundtrack.

The Incredibles--This is one of those movies I can watch countless times. It's funny, and easy to fall asleep to when you're sick. I myself hate falling asleep during movies, but if I fell asleep during the Incredibles, I wouldn't mind so much, the plot is great and easy to delve in to.

Amelie--Who doesn't love this movie? And whoever doesn't, probably likes nickelback and that's why they don't (they have no taste). This is a wonderful movie. I love Audrey Tatou (I think i mispelt her name, sorry, I'm not french).

Blindness--Great movie. Great actors. One of those movies you have to have intervals between each watching...not for the easily disturbed (not gory, but psychologically sensitive).

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Why staying up til five is a wonderful and horrible idea

-Get a light headed, floating bounce to your step
-loss of balance when you stand is hilarious to others
-coffee is delishgasmic

-light headed, bouncy step makes you susceptible to walking into walls
-loss of balance hurts
-dogs are cute until they bark
-there wasn't enough in the coffee pot for another cup...thus, will have to make more.
-one leg can fall asleep, restricting said coffee from being ground.

totally worth it :).